Dear Friends,
וואס טרינק איך פאר די ד’ כוסות? מעג איך עסן מצה ומרור?
הערט א גאר אינפארמעטיווע און וויכטיגע אינטערוויו מיט אינפארמאציע און אנווייזונגן וואס איז ספעציעל נוגע פאר Crohn’s און Colitis פאציענטן אום פסח
אויף קול מבשר, 212-444-1100 און דריקט 3-1-1 דערנאך 1558#
וזאת למודעה: אלעס וואס עס ווערט אויסגעשמועסט אויפן אינטערוויו, איז אויסגעארבייט געווארן אדורך גדולי מורי הוראה
פאר סיי וואספארא פראבלעם איר האט אום יו”ט און איבערן גאנץ יאר קענט איר אונז רופן אויף 718-635-2274
As the Yom Tov Pesach is approaching, we would like to Invite you to listen to an important and informative interview in
Yiddish, discussing the Halachasregarding Arba Kosos, Shiurim of Matzah and Maror, and more.
You can listen to it on the Kol Mevaser Hotline, at 212-444-1100, press 3-1-1, and then 1558#
Pesach is a favorite holiday, we all gather with our families and discuss the miracle of our redemption and remember the freedom granted to us by Hashem. In that remembrance, we have the Seder, Matzah, and Arba Kosos. To most, these appear to be fun parts of the holiday to approach joyously. But to a Crohn’s or Colitis patient, it can be slightly nerve inducing as the least digestive friendly holiday approaches.
First, it is important to remember that many medications interact with alcohol. Be wary of this and ask your physician before consuming your Arba Kosos. remember, if you are taking Antibiotics (As Flagyl – Metronidazol and same goes to a lot of other) you are not allowed to drink any alcohol!
All other IBD patients should please double check with your doctor if the effectiveness of your medication will not be decreased or render them useless while mixing them with alcohol.
Simply skipping medication is not the answer to the very real problem! You should exercise extreme caution and consult with your doctor and Rabbi/Rav before deciding not to take a medication on Pesach. As important as one treats the laws of Kashrus, one is also obligated to treat the Mitzva of “V’Nishmartem M’Od L’Nafshotaichem” – “Take care of your health”. Therefore, under no circumstances should an individual forego taking a prescribed medication of Pesach (and during the year…) without first consulting one’s physician and Rav for a careful analysis of the situation.
Second, Matzah is notoriously harsh on the stomach, and in order to stay healthy and safe you have to take precautions. Speak with your physician and your Rav about how you should approach eating matzah this coming Pesach, all information on the above-mentioned Yiddish Interview has been discussed and guided by Rabbanim.
Please call your doctor if you have any issues, if you have a problem reaching your doctor, feel free to contact us anytime, we will try our best to get you through. Do not hesitate to call us anytime.
Please forward this email to all patients and their families who may benefit.
Big Thanks to Abigail Winokur for the help!
We would like to wish you a Chag Kosher V’Samayach! A happy and healthy Yom Tov!