We owe a tremendous amount of thankfulness to you our people who attended and participated in our last event. Only with your cooperation has this event proven to be the success with over 300 people participated.
Some very selfless individuals who sacrificed their time and money have to be acknowledged with utmost gratification.
First and foremost Harav R’ Chaim Mayer Hager, for having a mutual understanding to all people suffering with Crohns & Colitis, and helping us guiding them to the right Doctors etc. and being here for us ALL the time.
Yossi Steinmetz of Yes Studios and his wife devoted their precious time to record the speeches for free of charge.
(he can be reached @ 718-576-1769, yestudios@gmail.com www.yossisteinmetz.com)
R’ Yankey Hirsch and his wife and the entire staff, for so gladly granting the Continental Hall which enhanced the evening greatly.
R’ Eliezer Dovid Follman for his incredible input. we feel extremely grateful for conducting the entire evening with his powerful and meaningful words. David, you did it again!
Shimon Ozer Teller and his wife, for being here to help us, especially with arranging the speech of Harav Tauber.
CD’s and DVD’s will be sold in the future, anticipate further details. if you are also in need of the first event, please Respond via email.
Enclosed you will find survey regarding the event, please devote some time to answer. your opinion is highly valued.
We would like to ask you again, advertising is costing us a fortune, so if you know of any Crohn’s patient, let them know about us, he should be able to be on our mailing list.
We thank you again to all very dear recipients for enhancing the event to its highest caliber. Thank you!